Ministry Fair Criteria
& FAQs
Your ministry/organization has ongoing opportunities for women to serve local and/or global communities through hands-on ministry. (Not an event-based ministry)
Must be a ministry or non-profit that is not a part of a local church (i.e., not a church’s women’s ministry, a church’s weekly Bible study for women at their church, etc). We would love for women’s ministry leaders to be able to come and enjoy the conference and not have to run a table ;)
Your ministry/non-profit can provide at least 1 person to be present Friday evening and during every breaks throughout the event to connect with attendees (February 9-10, 2024). Please note: We will offer one guest pass per ministry admitted to the ministry fair. This includes access to the conference sessions, but does not include the attendee welcome bags. Since there is no table fee, we ask that any other women running your table purchase a ticket if they would like access to the sessions.
Your ministry must read and agree to our statement of beliefs (you can find those here)
Your ministry will only share about service opportunities and your mission. All ministry tables are not allowed to sell products. If you are wanting to sell products, you can apply for a market vendor table.
No, ministry fair tables do not have to pay a fee. If you are wanting to sell items, you can apply for a Market Vendor spot (which does have a small fee).
We will offer one guest pass per ministry admitted to the ministry fair. This includes access to the conference sessions, but does not include the attendee welcome bags. Since there is no table fee, we ask that any other women running your table purchase a ticket if they would like access to the sessions.
All Ministry Fair participants can check-in and set up anytime on Friday, February 9 from 10AM - 4PM. Conference attendees will begin arriving for their check-in at 5PM and you are welcome to be present at your table in case any ladies start walking the Market & Ministry Fair early.